All are welcome at Unity Burbank. Always.

  • Discovering a world of spiritual freedom

  • We honor the many names for God, the many paths to God, the many ways to worship God; for there is only one power and presence of God and that God loves each one of us equally.

  • The light of God surrounds us; The love of God enfolds us; The power of God protects us; The presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is, and all is well now!

  • Our theme for the year 2024 is "A Year of Spiritual Growth". Join us every Sunday as our speakers inspire us as they offer their viewpoints on our theme.

  • Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind. - Charles Fillmore

join us in person or online


Unity Burbank is first and foremost a community, centered on inclusivity and acceptance.


Our roster of weekly speakers is made up of thought leaders, authors, and educators who bring inspiring talks.


Unity is committed to giving back to our community and spreading the light and the love.

Community Support

Unity Burbank is active in the community supporting AA, foster children, the unhoused, and those in need.

we welcome our LGBTQIA+ community members

Unity teaches that all people are created with sacred worth and that no one exists outside the heart of God.