support us today

support us today ⁎

Unity Burbank Center for Spiritual Awareness is entirely supported by the free-will offerings of those we serve.  We welcome your donation of any amount.  Please feel free to use the paypal button below, or you can bring or mail a contribution to us at: 637 S. Victory Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502


We always have need of our volunteers and we have many ways that you can serve. From hospitality, fellowship treats, and beautification, to product or services donations, organizing and serving at charitable fundraisers, or singing in the service, participation is always welcome. Please call our office at 818-841-4037 and we will put you in touch with a volunteer coordinator.

Help us When You Shop at Ralph's/Kroger

If you have a rewards card, and identify us as your designated non-profit organization, we will receive a donation based on your expenditures. You can designate us by going to or (if you shop at another Kroger affiliated store, go to that store’s website). In the top navigation, click on "Community" and select “Community Rewards." We are NPO #81039. Please note: you MUST renew your designation each year on or after September 1st.

Choose Us as Your Designated Charity on AmazonSmile

Do you know that everytime you shop on, you can support Unity Burbank at no extra cost to you? Go to and log into your account. When prompted to select your supporting organization, search for Unity Burbank and select our center. For all future purchases, be sure to order via (it's the same as ordering through regular, and Amazon will make a donation to Unity Burbank.